
犀牛历史 220 0






网友回答1:The 5000 year old history and culture is definitely claim known and promoted throughout Korea and talked about by Koreans when promoting tourism. Just Google "Korea 5000 year history" or "Korea 5000 year culture" and you will see. There is even a day in Korea commemorating this.

I don't know where Koreans got 5000 years from. They are probably looking at some archaeological discoveries from 5000 years ago showing evidence of some primitive culture that has no shown connection to modern Korean culture. As for written evidence, you could claim of Gija Joseon as evidence (which is now denied by Korean historians) would go back about 4000 years to the start of the Zhou

In my opinion, the Korean claim of 5000 years is just to match the Chinese claim. Koreans didn't want to claim more than 5000 years because the evidence is very flimsy and 5000 is probably something they could get away with (and Koreans have)




网友回答2:it's just like japanese believing that their nation was first established by 660 BC. The time when was neolithic age for Japan. However, based on Chinese documents, first Korean kingdom is estimated to be established before 1000 BC.


网友回答3:Well, according to Korean nationalists, pretty much the whole of human civilisation originated from Korea, so I wouldn't put much store on it. You can see an example in this thread, where a Korean individual is essentially claiming that the Qing dynasty was Korean.


网友回答4:it think its around 3000-4000 years but cant say for sure. like most ancient history we have to make rough estimates


网友回答5:You can't include myths as part of your "history". That's why we don't study the Hsia/Xia dynasty as part of Chinese history, because of a lack of archaeological and textual support. In Korea, the earliest archaeological evidences of complex state and social hierarchy date to the 3rd and 4th cen AD, and texts recording history came after that.

The emergence of the early Korean and Japanese states are all largely the results of Chinese migration. Though they each have their own original and distinct cultures in the beginning, the arrival of new cultural influence, concepts and technologies spurred enormous changes, including the emergence of states. The Chinese migrants also became the ruling elites for a period, but they eventually became the locals. The early political structure and writings of these two states are both based on the Chinese model, so it's not wrong to say that the early Japanese and Korean states are part of the East Asian Civilization, just like the Roman Empire emerged from the Mesopotamian and Ancient Greek civilizations.


网友回答6:They don't stop at 5000, some extreme korean nationalists even claim that they have 6000, 8000, or even 10000 years of history, LOL.

It really depends on how you define history. If you think that the Samhan states were the beginning of korean history, then that's about 2000 years; if you think unified Silla to be the beginning of korean history, it's about 1300 years or so.



网友回答7:Korea as a single entity did not appear until the 7th century AD with the unification of the peninsula. However, I believe Koreanic history goes back to at least 300 BC.


网友回答8:8、No, Korea does not have 5000 years of history as the ancestors of Koreans did not record events of the past 5000 years ago.


网友回答9:You cannot extend American history back to Africa. Generally people start the US at 1776 when the identity was born with the Declaration of Independence. You can go back to the pilgrims as part of American pre-history, but no further.


网友回答10:10、My personal experience with Korean nationalists, including Korean nationalist historians, is that they simply regard anything that's not explicitly excluded from Gojoseon in Northeast Asia, to be Gojoseon territory, which is, of course, not in any way academic/objective. Indeed, had that been the case, it'd have made the events of the Han Dynasty's invasion of Gojoseon absurd, because the Han Dynasty only ever sieged one city - Wiman's capital - to bring down the whole state. I understand that the nationalist response to this is that by this time, Gojoseon had split into many different states, and so the Han only defeated a small section of Gojoseon - of course, this is equally ludicrous, as we find no archaeological evidence of such a large centralized power in the region, and there's also no Chinese record of a large Gojoseon state splitting into many pieces.


网友回答11:When I talk about this kind of matter, I don't like to quote reference from countries that are in conflict of interest (which mean Korea, China and Japan).

So let's refer to a difference source - this time I'm picking an article from the UNESCO website:

Let's see what they say:

"... The Joseon Tombs completes the 5,000 year history of royal tombs architecture in the Korean peninsula."





网友回答12:The phrase "5,000 year history of royal tombs architecture" is a little wonky in itself. Do tombs constitute history in the sense of writing?

This is the same thing I'd argue about the pyramids. The hieroglyphs in the pyramids are history, but the pyramids themselves are not.



网友回答13:I think a distinction needs to be made between history and historiography. Historiography to me indicates that someone has decided to write down history for the sake of future generations to understand about his time and anterior. History itself doesn't need to be such a formal and conscious work to count as history. Any kind of factual recording, primary of secondary, intended for purpose of preservation qualifies as history in my opinion. The Mycenaean Greeks didn't leave behind any real historical work, but nobody would dispute that they are part of the historical period in Greece.

If we must resort to the strictest definition of historiography, China's history really starts with bronzes, since oracle bone scripts aren't a historical work.



网友回答14:I actually agree with the poster above. When we discuss the history of Iraq, we'd usually include at least references to the Mesopotamian period, even though the Sumerians spoke a language completely unrelated to Arabic. They're part of Iraqi history simply because they lived in a place that is now part of Iraq.


网友回答15:Strictly speaking, history writing in China probably dates to the Western Zhou. In Korea, it is much later, and begins during the Three Kingdoms period. In Japan, it is even later than that.


网友回答16:I sincerely doubt that there is 5000 years old Royal Tomb in the Korean peninsula. Dolmens cannot be counted because we have no idea who was placed in them.



标签: 韩国 朝鲜 历史
