
犀牛历史 32 0



  Anders Zorn is known as “conductor of the line”. He was a Swedish painter, etchant and sculptor in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm in 1875. After graduating in 1881, he traveled to Britain, Spain, Italy, France and the Balkans, and was inspired by Impressionist Paintings during the stay in Paris and London and began to study the relationship between light and color. After learning these things, his picture is fresh and clear, and his writing is carefree.


  He first stepped into the painting area with a watercolor painter's face, and his brushwork was light, clear and accurate. “The scenery of the Strait of Gibraltar” (1882), the beggar (1885), the entertainment of the summer (1886) and the God of love (1888) fully reflect his achievements in the field of watercolor painting. After turning into oil painting in 1888, he soon became a famous European painter. It is good to depict objects with bold and bold strokes and pursue light and color changes of the picture.

  1896年,他回到莫拉,给瑞典绘画的发展带来了新的活力。他的风景画和风俗(日常生活)画通常描绘他所熟悉的瑞典乡下生活。他常常选择裸体农妇为题材。一些评论家认为他的蚀刻版画比他的绘画作品要好,但佐恩并不这样认为。《农牧神和仙女》是他雕塑作品的代表作。他的名人肖像画包括格罗弗·克利夫兰总统、威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱总统和西奥多·罗斯福总统。在他的故乡莫拉(Mora, Sweden)建有佐恩博物馆。

  In 1896, he returned to Mora, which brought new vitality to the development of Swedish painting. His landscape paintings and customs (daily life) paintings usually depict what he is familiar with in Swedish rural life. He often chooses nude women as a subject. Some critics think his etchings are better than his paintings, but Zorn doesn't think so. The herd gods and fairies are the masterpieces of his sculptures. His celebrity portraits include President Grover of Cleveland, President William Howard Taft and President Theodore Roosevelt. In his hometown, Mora (Mora, Sweden) built the Zorn Museum.


  His life, can also be said to use lines formed a life, simple lines constitute a “no dead” work, is a well deserved “line conductor”.

标签: 东汉时期的名人有哪些
